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Relevant Organisations

This listing provides a listing of key programs, groups, organisations and departments that are relevant for families impacted by ABI within South Australia. Note some of these organisations do not operate within our State, but they are still relevant due to the information they can provide or for other reasons (as deemed by our management committee members).

This listing is not exhaustive, but it does provide you with a starting point. It is provided for information purposes only and you should investigate its appropriateness for your situation with due care. We aim to continually ADD to this listing of sources of great ABI Information. If you have suggestions of a program, resource, source of assistance or website information we should include, please email us your ideas so we can help everyone share this important and unique knowledge. Together we can help each other know what is available, how it can be accessed and how it has (or perhaps has not) worked for you.

Remember, you can also ‘chat’ about areas of need, questions, concerns and ideas on our forums.

BIA – Brain Injury Australia
BIA – Brain Injury Australia is an organization that represents all Australians with Acquired Brain Injury whatever the cause. BIA advocates for government program allocations and policies, provides effective and timely input into policy, legislation and program development, initiates and coordinates national projects, works to increase public awareness of Acquired Brain Injury and monitors Federal Government consumer consultation processes from an ABI perspective. See or phone 1800 BRAIN1 (1800 272 461).

Brain Injury S.A
(Formally BINSA) – Brain Injury S.A provides a range of programs and supports for people who have sustained a brain injury and those working in the field, including seminars, forums and an annual award ceremony and presentations during Brain Injury Awareness Week as well as individual advocacy and library access. Programs offered include Springboard, ReConnect and Coffee Clubs.

BIRCH – Brain Injury Rehabilitation Community and Home
BIRCH – Brain Injury Rehabilitation Community and Home is the outpatient rehabilitation service offering home based and outpatient therapies and services from its current single location at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre (Hampstead Road, Lightsview) – they moved from Felixstow during 2016. This facility offers personalized, goal-oriented rehabilitation using a multi-disciplinary team. It is a difficult program to access but if this is gained, the rehabilitation services are leading edge and give outstanding brain injury rehabilitation results.

BIRS – Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services SA
BIRS – Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services SA, this is the statewide brain injury rehabilitation services area and encompasses both the inpatient rehabilitation unit based at the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre (called BIRU) and the outpatient rehabilitation unit based at Felixstow (called BIRCH). This service area has been undertaking a review of services and rehabilitation offerings during 2009-2011, and it is hoped that the brain injury rehabilitation service offerings will be expanded to a broader range in the near future.

BIRU – Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit
This is Ward 2B of the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, Hampstead Road, Hampstead. This is one ward in this large complex and is a specialist brain injury unit. It offers leading edge rehabilitation, with each client being provided with a personalized, goal-oriented program of rehabilitation. The team includes physiotherapy, speech pathology, occupational therapy, social work, psychology, recreational therapy as well as medical and nursing staff.

Carers SA
Carers SA consult with carers and work closely with government and other support organisations to improve the lives of caring families throughout South Australia. Anyone who is to provide care to someone after their ABI should register with Carers SA. Carers Australia is the peak national body representing the diversity of Australians who are family carers. Their work is driven by carers’ expertise and the organization works in collaboration with the state and territory Carer Associations with the ultimate aim of improving the lives of Australia’s carers. Contact them by calling the Carers Advisory and Counselling Service and they will connect you to local support and other Commonwealth Carer Resource Centres – 1800 242 636. Note you do NOT have to be getting a Carer Allowance or Payment from Centrelink to be considered a Carer!

If you are suffering financial hardship and unable to work, you should discuss your payment options with a social worker. If it is deemed appropriate, you will make contact with Centrelink and discuss options such as Sickness Benefits, Disability Support Pensions and Carer Pensions and Allowances. In addition, if you are placed on a payment or have a low income, you may be eligible for a health care card and an additional number of concessions. Telephone the Concessions Hotline on Ph: 1800 307 758 (freecall) for assistance or to have application forms sent out to you. Note that you do need advice as to HOW to complete any forms from Centrelink, and our members often find them difficult given that the forms appear to be biased against people with cognitive and behavioural challenges versus physical limitations.

Commonwealth Financial Counselling
Commonwealth Financial Counselling program provides free counselling to those on a low income experiencing financial difficulties. Phone 1800 007 007 to find services in your area. If you’re having financial trouble and finding it hard to make ends meet in your current crisis then financial counseling can be helpful. Remember that banks and mortgage companies can put in place moratoriums on debt payment in crisis situations and that decisions can be made at a later date when you have more relevant information.

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres
Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres will be provide information for respite and also provide general and specific carer and community service information – Phone 1800 052 222. This service will want to meet with you, understand your situation, and then determine what help they can provide.

DIRC – The Disability Information and Resource Centre
DIRC – The Disability Information and Resource Centre (195 Gilles Street, Adelaide SA 5000) provides a free information service that is impartial, apolitical and non-sectarian. They endeavour to provide information that is current, accurate, relevant, and timely, and in a format which meets client needs for disability issues. Phone (08) 8236 0555 or in SA 1300 305 558.

Domiciliary Equipment Service
This organization provides equipment for use at home on a hire/loan basis, Phone 8193 1232.

DSA – Disability Services SA
DSA – Disability Services (SA Government, previously known as Disability SA). If a patient is considered sufficiently permanently disabled to require government supports and services, they will be referred to DS. DS provides a client manager to each client who is charged with establishing funding and services as needed by the client. The services that may be forthcoming include home supports, personal care, access to day programs and access to required equipment and medical aids. Various offices of DSA are located throughout SA and referral is made to the office closest to the usual living location of the client.

Families4Families Inc
Families4Families is a peer support network for people with ABI and their families. Starting in 2012, this network has a focus on supporting the entire family unit through the ABI journey, and offers relevant, timely information to families dealing with the shock, trauma and grief involved in brain injury, and provides much needed peer supports and networking for all ABI family members. This support network also offers online resources, materials and forums, and is physically based at 34 Dunorlan Road, Edwardstown 5039. You can call them on 0433388250 to talk to someone who has lived experience with ABI, or view groups on this website or via our Facebook page and groups.

Flinders University Community Re-entry Program
A support program for adults with brain injury aiming to enhance their skills and talents to help to reintegrate into the community and improve their quality of life. Based at Flinders University, this program also provides administrative support to the Families4Families ABI Support Network. Click here for more information.

Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
A large public rehabilitation hospital that contains a range of inpatient rehabilitation units, including Ward 2B the brain injury rehabilitation unit (BIRU) and outpatient rehabilitation facilities, including day rehabilitation. This is the public rehabilitation centre for the state.

Independent Living Centre
Independent Living Centre will provide free help and advice about home modifications and equipment you may need to enable you to go home. Phone the centre on 1300 885 886 (SA/NT callers only) or 8266 5260.

SYNAPSE is a non-profit organisation, dedicated to improving the quality of life of people living with and affected by Acquired Brain Injury or people whose behaviour challenges our understanding. This Queensland brain injury network publishes a range of excellent materials, fact sheets and books on ABI. Phone +61 7 3137 7400 or 1800 673 074 (outside Brisbane).

The Repatriation General Hospital
The Repatriation General Hospital, Goodwood Rd, Daws Park. This is a moderately sized public hospital that offers some brain injury services as well as a range of other specializations such as orthopedics and amputation units.

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